Thursday, February 23, 2006

So I got this mass email from a friend that talked about letting people go and knowing when it's time to say goodbye. I scanned it briefly and left it in the inbox for a few weeks. But I recently decided to clear up my inbox a bit, and I read through the entire email. It stated that, "you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead." It got me thinking about certain relationships that I have in my life, and whether I am working to hold onto something dear, or if I'm just grasping on to a piece of history that keeps me attached to some emotional place of comfort.

When you have a friend for years and years who has shared so many aspects of your life, you feel as if there is nothing that can break that bond. But time comes into play and growth occurs, and all things do come to an end. So how do you know when it's over?

I guess in looking at past experience, trying to analyze the death of a relationship is meaningless. I mean, they find their end like everything else does - in a moment when you're not paying attention until one day it's just gone. And sometimes, a month passes by or two, and one calls the other and things start up again. It's like the ex calling after two months for that "let's have dinner and one more romp in the hay." But even after that, is the relationship ever the same?

I guess I am just trying to make sense of relationships, which can anyone ever really make sense of? I just want to understand the nature of people, and how we ebb and flow into each other's lives. I have friends who have come and gone with such ease. It's like our friendship is lubed. But then others, it's like going to the dentist and then having to cancel an appointment and reschedule and then you get too busy and you forget and so on and so on till you have that tooth ache, and then you have to go in. And is that a friendship, or a pain in the ass? And why does my head get all caught up in it?

I guess it's cause I'm sensitive, and I'd like to stay that way.

What about it?


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