Thursday, May 04, 2006

Every now and then, I can get a little bit clueless. I admit it. Someone will say something, and I'll completely believe them. For seconds, I have believed that friends are pregnant or slept with another friend of ours or quit their job. It's brief, but I'm still gullible to it. So, excuse me if I don't seem clued in on this, and women, my apolgies, BUT why do so many men flush the urinal before they use it? I mean, even if I have already noticed that their water is clear and clean, they still flush away. Are they trying to lure their pee out with the sound of running water? Does it relax them before getting the big job done? I understand it if one walks up, and there's some other man's pee in there. I don't want my pee to have to mingle either. But still, is there an explanation that I'm just not aware of? Let me know.

Also, why do some people pour their coffee into the trash bin when their cup's too full? Do they think there is a drain at the bottom of the bin that takes it out to a coffee sea? I'm now popping a bit into 'pet-peeve' land, but still I don't get it. I have worked so many coffee jobs in the past, so I guess I always just hated pulling the bag out at the end of a shift to find out that it was a hefty bag of liquid. It's like I want to make a sign for other counter men and women who are now going through what I once went through. "Coffee too full? Bring it back to the counter! I'll pour some out for you!" Okay - kinda wordy for a sign, but it drives me nuts. Every morning, I see at least one person do the trash pour, and I restrain my lips from opening to say, "Hey! They have a sink for that!" Maybe no one else cares but me. Or maybe no one else notices.

I'm certainly not one to obsess over these little things. Usually only in the moment. Besides I am usually too preoccupied obsessing about what to wear next.


I'm actually obessed all of the other times with how badly people drive, including myself at times. But I am talking like people who read while they drive. I saw a guy on the freeway yesterday reading a magazine. I mean, really. We're on the freeway, people.

I honked at him.

I bet he probably pours his coffee in the trash too.

What about it?


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