Saturday, July 08, 2006

Destroying old habits.

Facing it daily - the mirror of frustration
and doubt.
The silly rollercoaster we have no need to ride
But it's the easiest one going down
in the whole park.

Right now for me, it's
can things just be good?

Face it with me right now.

I mean,
It's good to wake up relatively rested on a Saturday morning.
It's a good thing, right?
And then to go to boxing, your FAVORITE hour of the week,
and kick ass, nailing punches and dazzling your insecurities
Working the speed bag like you had one in the womb
(probably did)
and having fun.
It's okay, right, to do that?
It's okay to have fun.
To go shoe shopping and a little cute conversation on the phone
A little sojourn into the lost crevices of emotion.
It feels good.
So is it wrong?
Is it wrong to laugh with Russ about anything and nothing
in the middle of a hot afternoon in July?
Is that cool?
Am I cool?
Right now
listening to Coldplay on the ipod
typing away
aggressively - My Mars and Ascendent square
working the centuries old disagreement out

Can this be?
Can this be my life?
Calm and peaceful and awake and okay.
Can it be like this forever?
Or at least fifty or sixty more years?
Can it?

I'm asking this now.
Cause if it can, I'm so cool with that.

Are you working this out in your own head right now?
I really hope that you are.

Cause I think we can change the way people look at the world.
And we can change the way people look at themselves.
And each other.
Starting here.

The army march on.

You with me?


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