Friday, May 26, 2006 is the best astrology site ever. You can enter your personal birth data and get daily horoscopes that are tailored solely to you. Everyone I have turned it on to loves it, and it's my source for when I need to look at someone's chart for a reading.

Anyhow, today is a new moon in Gemini, which stresses communication. I have a feeling that it will weigh heavily into my weekend, and all in a good way. I have been feeling this weight on me as of late that I know needs some lifting. So it's time I start looking for a window to climb through. You know how you see the clear skies outside and there is a light breeze, but none of the windows or doors open up? So you keep looking, knowing that a knob is going to turn eventually. Well that is how I feel right now. Except that my heart is the room that desperately needs a window, and I am ready to feel some light. God, am I ready for the light. Cause I love me some life, but I could use some clarity. I could use some breeze. I just don't know how to find it.

My life as of late has been quite full. I have discovered great ways to keep in shape. I have started a new job that kicks ass with a new boss that I adore. I have been writing with less restraint and self-criticism. I got handed Madonna tickets as a gift. And my smile is more honest. But still, there is a lock that I think I hid the key to a long time ago.

Well I want that fucking key right now.

My personal horoscope for today was so hopeful and promising. It told me that I "will strive now for a kind of freedom you have never known before. You will seek in every way to express what it means to be young and free." Also that this time "can open your eyes to new possibilities" in solving problems. I think part of the issue for me has been getting caught in the rut of problem-solving each personal situation out of habit as opposed to taking in the details in each experience.

Finally it states that "you can expect a sudden broadening of the scope of your life and the opportunity to encounter life from a new, richer and broader perspective. This may come about through a major transforming event or through a series of minor ones that collectively have a large impact."

I mean really, who knows. I can just look at the planets and use them as another way to hypothesize my existence the way some use yoga, drugs, or Buddha. And like the planets say, I am striving for a freedom that this closed window promises. I want to know what it means to be young and free. And I want to know what it is to encounter life more broadly and more richly. More than anything, I want to stop fear. Like now. Isn't that what it all comes down to? really is the best overall web site ever. It helps me get my shit together. And that ain't no easy job.

What about it?


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