Sunday, January 28, 2007

All weekend, these words have reverberated through my head.

I don't know what it is. Well, that's a lie. It is WHAT IT IS.

I seem to realize that my life is constituted half by moments fully lived, and the other half by moments analyzing the first half. So, that's half my life gone to thought. Half lost to circles run in my head.

And something clicked for me. A conversation had, and the subject words spoken.

"It is what it is."

"Yeah, I guess it is", I remember replying. And they echoed for me somehow. Echoed as I woke up Saturday morning, questioning. Echoed as I recovered from a fender-bender Saturday afternoon. Echoed as I stared at the damage with a good friend.

"Are you okay?", he asked.
"I guess. I mean, it is what it is"

It echoed while watching movies last night. Stranger Than Fiction and United 93 - both excellent in their own ways. But feeling alone on a rainy Saturday night, and then reminding myself that it is what it is.

I have not slept better in weeks.

And today, writing. And writing. Working on my script which is opening my eyes to such much about creativity. And life. And myself. And not correcting myself. Not analyzing or being unsure.

I mean, it is what it is.

And now, here, documenting. Of course, I could be out, gearing up to head to a friends. Returning phone calls. Making my bed. But instead here, on my space.

Oh well.

It is what it is.

What do you think?


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Justin said...

Bravo. Letting go of result thinking - its tough stuff man.


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