Monday, October 30, 2006

I have to say that I have never been one for Halloween.

Since my early teen years, I have usually spent the holiday sitting in and watching movies. Not dressing up. Not drawing attention. It's never been about getting into costume or being at one with the spirits. Not even candy. Thinking about it over the weekend, I can only attribute it to being an overweight kid and being forced into some bad "fat" home-made costumes.

Let's see - the ones I have not blocked out.

Pac-Man. Made out of a wood case that slid over me and had cut-outs for my legs, arms, and head. I looked like a big yellow wheel. And it was so heavy that I remember it hurting to walk. But my mom said, "your father worked very hard on that. Are you gonna let all of that hard work go to waste? You'll be fine." I grimaced as the wood bit into my small ten-year old shoulders. "Besides you love Pac-Man. And this is what you wanted." I recall the picture in my mind involving something a little more practical in design, but hey, ten year-olds can't be choosers.

Rudolph - This was not by choice. It was a surprise by Mom. She made it from scratch. Out of stocking material. Like nylon stockings. I was more like Rudolph's overweight cousin, Randy, as I peeled it over my body RIGHT BEFORE school. There was no turning back. It also had a head piece with antlers that drooped crookedly to each side. And the nose was of a red sponge-like material. I did like the nose, but not the ridicule. Of course, in retrospect, it was great that Mom went out of the way to do this. I know she loved me and put her heart into it. Still, a note to self when I have kids. Ask them what they want to be first. And work with them to make it happen. Surprise gifts of toys + good. Surprise gifts of future therapy inducers = not so good.

Now the best one that I have not blocked out from my memory - probably because it was so traumatizing, that I just HAD to remember it - is a character from Return of The Jedi. I loved it so much, and I just had to be someone from that movie.

Did I get Han Solo?


An Ewok?


This is what I was given.

Here is the best example I could find to illustrate:



The mask was rubber and I could barely breathe.

I mean...


An Ewok would have been cute, at least.

In all, my mom had some bad decision-making skills when it came to dressing up her son. And when she finally got cool with me staying home and giving out candy with her while watching Poltergiest - that was just the greatest.

This year, I have done what I can to get into the spirit. I got dressed up in my own way this weekend as Elliot from E.T. - my favorite movie hero of all time. And seeing Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D last night really helped. So, tomorrow may not have me all decked out. But next year, I'm coming on strong.

I'm bringing costumeback (yep).

What about it?


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