Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Oh the glory of free time. My boss is gone for two days, which invites me to slack just a little bit at my desk. So, yesterday was a day of catching up on my gossip blogs, IM'ing friends, and some light reading. I even made a quick pit stop into the Universal Studios Theme Park, where a couple of my friends were. That is the wonder of working on this studio lot. You have immediate access to an amusement park with rides and churros. And oh yes, I had a churro.

After I got back and sat through this two hour thing called a meeting, I found myself somewhat down and still a bit hungover from the weekend. And then my mind wandered over to relationships and aging and all things unnecessarily depressing. I mean, really. It was 4 PM on a Monday, and I was at work. Productivity needed to find me, quick.

So I went online and popped onto Connexion, which is a site completely like Friendster, only entirely gay. As I was about to start perusing my possible connexions, I realized that this, just like the multiple hour Sex and The City marathons from the weekend, were corrupting my brain with a "you're a loser without love or frivolous sex" mentality.

I deleted my profile.

Later, some of us gathered to watch David Blaine attempt to hold his breath for nine minutes underwater. We all sat riveted as the time clock ticked, and the man started lightly convulsing. I wondered what was going through his head.

"You can do this, David."

"I hope I don't look like an asshole if I can't pull this off."

"Don't let me die, God. I promise I'll do some magic next time."

"This is all just an illusion."

"Man, after I get out of here, I am gonna find me that Angel-style and get my gay on."

"I can't wait to get to Burritoville when all this is done."

At least the last one would have been my thought, and I had a sudden hunger for Manhattan and tofu sour cream.

As we all know now, Blaine lasted about seven minutes before he popped up and tearily thanked everyone for their support. Some I watched with thought that he was crazy or just plain lame. But as I sat, the last one in the room, I just thought how incredible it must be to push your life like that to it's limits. I mean, really. Here I get nervous if I am gone too long from my desk.

After Blaine and work, I went to the gym, which is my own personal bubble of water sometimes. My quads definitely saw their limits, and I worked my abs as if it were the day after tomorrow. Then I went home, made myself a quiet dinner, and settled into Mysterious Skin, which had been sitting at home from Netflix longer than the film's actual theatrical run.

I really do love this film. Not that it is the most well-made film, nor is every performance in it exemplary. Still, there is something so honest and poignant to the two main characters stories and how they are both searching for their personal truths in very different ways. And Araki wraps the story in all these strangely saturated colors and rich sounds. Joseph Gordon-Levitt also just rips shit up in this movie.

So as I do in many movies, I cried. To the closing credits music of Sigur Ros, I cried for their discovery, and I cried for their pain. And then I went to bed looking forward to another day where I could possibly find love, break world records, and discover the hidden secrets lying beneath my own mysterious skin.

What about it?


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