Monday, August 07, 2006

Last night, I dreamt of being chased through a small town - a cross between what I imagine to be Tuscany and the backlot of Universal Studios. I knew that I was supposed to make my way to a house, which in my mind existed somewhere in the northwest part of the San Fernando Valley. But I didn't know how to elude my enemies. There was rain also, so I found refuge in a damp yellowed building. There, a young girl, probably six, welcomed me into her home.

Once inside, I saw how she and her tiny brother and mother lived in a one room apartment. "This is where my brother and I sleep" she told me, as she pointed to a tiny single bed covered in dirty Elmo sheets. In the corner was a couch. "This is where mother sleeps."

"On a couch?"

"No silly", she scolded. "It pulls out into a bed." I was the fool.

She plopped down on the ground in her faded pink nightgown and began to play with toys made long ago. There was such sweetness in her face, and she seemed to avoid any sort of fear or concern about her situation. This was simply her life, and she loved her family. Later, her mother appeared and she helped me to get the proper clothing and directions I needed to finish my journey. And then, I was off.

But the little girl's slightly sunken eyes haunted me as I stepped back out into the night. So much so, that I still can feel her presence. I made it to my destination unharmed, but something in me stayed with that little girl. I wanted to go back for her, and her family. I wanted to help them rise above their situation as they had helped to calm and protect me.

Now this was all just a dream, but I did still want to go back and find her. Perhaps she is a character that I need to explore. That is what I was thinking, and still am. However, she has also reminded me of more as the morning has become day has become night. Something more real to life than a fictional creation.

Twenty-three years ago today, my mother went into labor in the middle of a family party. Hours passed, and the phone call came. I had a baby sister. As they would not let children into the room my mother was in, my dad used his policeman pull to sneak my older sister and I up an outside staircase so we could meet our new sibling. "Heather Nicole", my mom presented. It was magical. I still can remember that moment she wrapped her tiny hand around my finger. She wouldn't let go. I loved her instantly, and I wanted to protect her. But I didn't know how. I don't know if I ever did, as I retreated soon into my own adolescence, and selfishness

Sis now lives in Nebraska, which I hate. But I understand, and it's okay. I was gone for a long time too, so this is my lifetime karmic redemption. And together, we went through a lot of growing up in a terribly quick fashion. Our eyes too were sunken at a very young age. Perhaps the dream was my remembrance to go back for that childhood moment before the pain came in. When even though the room was small, the toys scattered the floor and love seemed to live there. And to know that the innocence from that time still thrives inside of me. And I know it does in her, as she is one of the most loving people I know.

I can't forget that I may get older, but the dangers I peril through need not shroud my spirit. Or then, like in the dream, I am the fool.

Happy birthday little sis.

May your lovely innocence last a lifetime.

Six and a half years younger than me, AND she taught me how to drive.

What about it?


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