Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hanging with Alyssa always raises my vibration. We got on the cart this afternoon and drove through the Lot up to CityWalk for lunch. And we had to talk about all things important to our soul and love and boys and manifesting dreams through our thoughts because we've known each other for over a dozen years and when you've known someone that long, you can't just get by on what movies you've seen lately. We always tend to have these revolutionary epiphanies together too - like the "A-HA" moments that Oprah talks about. Op's says:

"Recently, a woman asked me, "What was the a-ha! lightbulb moment in your life?" I realized it was when I figured out that my thoughts control my whole life and that no matter what hand life deals me, I can always choose my response to it. We are each responsible for our lives and, more important, the thoughts that create them. If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."

I just read this right now after searching "A-HA moments" on O's site. AND this is EXACTLY what Alyssa and I were speaking about at lunch.


(Yes, I am relating my life to Oprah's. What about it?)

Now I'm not a COMPLETE fool. I DO know that my thoughts control my life. But I STILL wonder negatively about my future. And I toss and turn over my finances and my relationships. But the vicious cycle just repeats as my thinking continues to just attract more situations that I don't want. How lame is that? If I really did know that my thoughts are so dire to my successful survival, than why am I ever mean to myself? And why would I ever not believe in everything I set out to achieve with a pure heart?

I am proud of the man that I am now. I'm funny, smart, creative, and can even get my sexy on if necessary. But, I'm gonna travel back in time a bit to when I was hard-core hippy-dippy and living in SF and believing in things other than my immediate view. I need to recover some of that guy too and add him back into the mix. Get my Tori Amos on, so to speak.

I am responsible for my life. And I am okay with that.

In other news, I got the chance to meet one of my favorite writers, Dave White, who is far funnier and smarter than me. And just hanging with him and my boss and chatting on movies and life was completely awesome. I mean, I must be on the right track already if I'm manifesting a good night like that with such inspiring people. Now I have to try and manifest getting a nickname on Dave's blog.

Also - TOTALLY random other news, Christina Aguilera put out her new video, HURT, and she co-directed it. Of course, that could easily mean that she said, "I want it in a circus tent and I want it to be lit real pretty and I want this elephant here and that elephant there", and then the OTHER director, Floria Sigismondi, had to really MAKE it all happen. Regardless, I actually think it's quite stunning. And though my current pop queenobsessionn is more JoJo (not for her music, but for the fact that she goes by the name, "JoJo" and she's like 16 and always looks like she just walked out of Glamour Shots), I still admire Xtina's attempts to make something a little more outside the standard pop box. And she's not afraid to go to get her thing on at a dirty boy gay bar.

Anywhere here it is:

And I DO have JoJo's song "Too Little, Too Late" playing on repeat at my desk.

What about it?


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