Monday, February 05, 2007

I found this picture online, and I thought it was sort of endearing as the V-Day approaches.

Only in Silverlake, right?

Driving home one night this weekend, it hit me that the holiday is coming, and I will once again be sans Valentine this year. Now in the past, this realization has reduced me to sheer panic and depression. And I have certainly made some hasty dates in the past because of it. It's even been spent before sitting at home alone idly with cookies, some vodka, and Sex and The City. But thinking of it this time in the car, I sort of just went, "Oh well. It ain't no thing." Of course that was followed by my new mantra, "It is what it is." Could it be that I am actually growing less bitter in my old age?

I mean, having the right man in my life could be extraordinary. And I am pretty clear on who that is (not by name, but by idea). However, it's okay to be single. Sure, at times I am dumbfouded by the whole "single" thing. And at other times, I am celebratory. But there's no way to manipulate it to make sense. It's just a waste of energy to be all negative.

So I am going to forgo the whole, "It's just some fabricated holiday and it means nothing" argument, cause that's not how I feel. First off, it's one of my best friend's birthdays, so it's already a day of gratitude for me. But I also think back to when I was young, and every year, my mom would give me and my sisters a Valentine's Day card and a present. And it was just about her saying, "I love you". And taking a day out for that is all kinds of good in my book.

I got lots of people to love.

So, there will be no dinner reservation come Wednesday. No flowers or mix CD. But at least I know that my heart isn't lost anywhere. And I know that it's not been broken. I mean, it may be a bit tattered around the edges, and it may even have a scar here or there. But it's still beating strong despite all the trauma. And it's all juicy full of some serious love.

Now who's down for some Ketel sodas, oatmeal cookies, and Carrie Bradshaw?

What do you think?


At 3:02 AM, Blogger Dave Richards said...

Well Valentines Day is almost here and everyone is looking for unique ways to celebrate it...well hey you can also visit my blog sometime and check out all the interesting resources i've posted there...and wish all your friends far and wide!!!


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