Thursday, May 11, 2006

Though I saw it early last night, I had to withhold myself for those two of you who may have read this without seeing it yet.

My baby daddy - gone.

McPhaustus on her way to sign the next section of her pact.

In other news, my roomie and I met last night in regards to our great End of Spring BBQ Cookout we have coming up. I am pretty excited about it, as we have not had a party at the house in quite some time, and I love to have people over. I have a really good friend who is a set designer, so he was over helping us with some ideas. I mean, really. A set designer for a house party. I love it. He suggested that we have body cut-outs that people can stick their heads through for pictures, like at an old-school carnival.

I mean, whatever happened to a keg being the center of excitement at a bbq. Regardless, if we can pull off all of our ideas and the rain stays away, we should be fine. And I of course want a sufficient amount of Madonna to play, since that is opening night of the tour, and I am not going. I AM however going three nights later and have some kick-ass seats, thanks to my Fairy Godfather. I am so thrilled! And I got tickets for Fiona Apple and Damien Rice at the Greek next month. So I have two amazing concerts and a fun party to look forward to. And I did it all without fraternizing with the devil. I mean, really. Is her soul really worth it?

Hands off, lady. I ain't afraid to fight a demon.

What about it?


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