Tuesday, March 28, 2006

So tomorrow marks the beginning of my twenty-ninth year on Earth, and it has been one of the best rides yet in retrospect. It all rang in with a lovely sushi dinner with a great group of friends about a year ago. Since then, I have made some interesting stops along the way.

There has been book club - which had the greatest meeting discussing sex on the Cheesecake Factory patio in Brentwood.
My first L Word Dinner at Falcon, where "Like A Lesbian" became the new "Like A Virgin". I mean, is all lesbian sex that good?
Tori at Royce Hall - never a more magical concert experience ever!
Palm Springs at Bubby's - the legend of Imaginiff was born there. Laying out and drinking vodka red bulls all day - taking a midnight walk through the golf course sprinklers - good times. The countdown to Bubby's 06 is upon us.
Kelly C at The Wiltern - yes Scotty, I cry at everything!
My first great horseriding adventure - my own personal Brokeback.
Nicole Kidman in the 4 Seasons elevator. "Hello", she said. I just smiled, and then fainted. Seeing my friend Danny get married - he and his new bride running off into the trees together - my first college friend saying, "I do."
Driving with the girls to see Coldplay in Irvine. Riding a ferris wheel. Screaming "The Scientist" at the top of my lungs underneath a magnificent full moon.
Moving to Silverlake.
Seeing Shannon in that gym teacher outfit with that wig!
Meeting Jake G and his Puggle - could life get any better?
A weekend trip to Vegas with Jess - walking the Alladin drunk to Gwen. Wheel of Fortune gave me no love, but Jess pocketed some at the ariport.
Brokeback opening and getting the world to see it. Reading the testimonials at my desk and crying.
Xmas with the family - best Xmas ever - my mom beating her cancer - my dad giving a teary speech at the dinner table - us feeling like a family.
The New Year's to end all New Year's. Tradition maybe? Seeing some things about myself clearly for the first time.
Hugging Heather goodbye. It was fate that brought us all home this past year. So true. Miss your beautiful face!
The Oscars. An experience. Glad that I had it. Glad they are over.
Boxing. I love it. Thank you Katie.

And more. And more. I love the people in my life. I look forward to the next year. I look forward to writing more. I look forward to dancing more. I look forward to ringing in the thirtieth year. I really, truly do.

What about it?


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